It may seem like an easy option when it comes to dealing with relationships, but in reality it does more damage than good. 当涉及到处理恋爱关系时,在网上发布信息可能是个简单的选择,但是在现实中这样造成的伤害会比得到的益处要多。
Although a direct confrontation seems unlikely, China appears to seek the option of dealing a knockout blow to America's forward forces, leaving Washington with difficult choices about how to respond. 虽然与中国的正面较量不太可能发生,但中国开始显示出想要寻求可以彻底摧毁美国的能力,让华盛顿面临如何回应它行为的困难选择。
Sustainable development is the only option when human-being is dealing with the issues of population, natural resources and environment. 可持续发展战略是人类针对人口、环境、资源问题的明智选择。
Then we talked abut option 、 option contract 、 dealing tactics 、 option hedging and gains. 然后介绍了期权、期权合约及其交易策略,就期权的市场操作和对冲与收益进行了讨论。
The traditional option pricing is mainly based on martingale method and Black-Scholes equation method. Most of the recent literature dealing with the new model of financial assets assumes that the underlying dynamics of stock prices follow a Possion jump spread process and a levy process. 传统的期权定价主要基于鞅方法和Black-Scholes方程方法,近期大多数文章解决这样一种新的金融资产模型,假定股票价格的基本运动遵循Levy过程和Possion跳跃扩散过程。
The advantages of real option theory in dealing with uncertainty in R D investment decision-making are discussed, and the option feature and game feature in R D investment are anatomized. 分析传统RD投资决策方法及其局限性,论述实物期权理论处理RD投资过程中不确定性的优势,剖析RD投资的期权特性和博弈特性。